Post by Storm trotting by on Dec 29, 2004 5:52:45 GMT -5
*nabs the c-n-t's up so far* Luffs da Fluffs!! Am working on getting all the pretties from Christmas cata'ed and posted. Lots of prezzies this year! 0,o; I think I musta missed the AC last year or something cuz I Don't remember having this much to get straightened out last time. And does anybody member a Gabby?? I have a cat cutey thing from her and I can't find the old address to link back. Ah well, I'll dig through the members later and see if I can find her URL. ;
Post by Aylura on Dec 29, 2004 13:04:00 GMT -5
Glad you like 'em, and sorry for not being around for a few days. ;_; *wince* I remember a Gabby, but I don't have any of her information to help you. At least, I don't think I do... She hasn't been around in a while.
Post by SunBlind Dragon on Jan 3, 2005 12:37:57 GMT -5
I remember Gabby, she has a Sam in one of my songs. But I haven't heard from her in ages either.
Post by Aylura on Jan 8, 2005 0:16:51 GMT -5
*bumpity* >.>;
Storming the Obvious
Post by Storming the Obvious on Jan 20, 2005 0:18:44 GMT -5
Uhm... I gather we're not responding somewhere in here when we should be... spoken truly by the super heroine, The Incredibly Obvious Woman *ahem* Personally I'm not really sure What to respond. I mean nerts to having to postpone the fest ~understandable but nerts all the same~ and WowYayness to getting a semi-custom! And therein lies the quandry. What did you want info-wise For the semi-customness? Do we pick a color or a uhm... 0,o; Sorry if this seems like I'm a ditz ~well I Am a ditz but that's neither here nor there... though where it Is I'm not sure.... >,>;~ but if you tell me what I'm supposed to put or reply or... Well just tell me what you need me to post for a semi-custom fluffy, and that's what I'll post. ;D;
Post by Lessa at work on Jan 20, 2005 14:56:51 GMT -5
Uhm...Yeah, not sure what I need to say, but I like the colors red, blue, and black if that helps.
Post by Aylura on Jan 20, 2005 16:31:17 GMT -5
heh... The sign up's on the festival page - top entry.
I need this:
Your Name: Colors/Pattern: (Anything but White/Black/Silver/Gray, and any number of colors) Number: 1-31 (Not including numbers 1, 5, 6, 10, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 24, 26, 29)
Sorry 'bout being unclear. I have a habit of doing that.
Storm the Internal Nit
Post by Storm the Internal Nit on Jan 21, 2005 1:33:29 GMT -5
Okies... Signed in then... I gave an example of what I was trying to say... Not that I Expect you to do it but so the scatter thought floating by had something concrete for you ~hereafter known as furson Outside my brain~ to see.
Post by Aevelyn_LL on Jan 21, 2005 7:12:45 GMT -5
I get this error message when trying to view your site. "The operation timed out when attempting to contact realm.dreamsbeyond.net" Haven't been able to access for about the last week.
Hope it's alright that I respond here.
Your Name: Lessa Lynn Colors/Pattern: Blue, Purple, Pink Number: 1-31: 11
Post by LL on Jan 21, 2005 15:36:13 GMT -5
I just tried from work and I can get to the page just fine. Looks like I need to call my service provider when I get home and see what's up. Either that or it's time to redo my computer again, as that fixed this problem last time.