Post by Partner in Mischief on Mar 2, 2005 22:01:28 GMT -5
Oo mutations... funny coloration, new wing type, small, all queens/kings! These are only available on the messagepost (aka they will not be posted on my site). F1 F2 M1Slashed means TAKEN. These guys are really mutated, so good apps, please! That means more than a sentence. *hugs taela* They are all adults. Le Rules:1. We prefer that you would already have a home picked out for you new pup. 2. You must put the pup up within a week, unless you have a good reason. In which case, email me at eka91@pacbell.net. 3. You may name your pup anything you like, so long as it is not rude or mean in any way. 4. You MUST upload the image to your own site. 5. Write "howdy doo" in the comments section. 6. You have to link back to Taela Forest (http://www.freewebs.com/taelaforest/index.htm) on all pages there are taela. The link cannot be hidden, it must be in plain view. This means no linking the picture, etc. 7. The taela may not be on a page with more than three other non-taela creatures. 8. I would prefer for there to be a story up with the taela - no less than a paragraph please. It's not that hard or time-consuming. Le Form:Name: Email: Page the Taela will be on: Which Taela: Taela Name: Why do you want this taela? Comments: (not required, but nice)
Post by Arriaki on Mar 2, 2005 22:34:00 GMT -5
Name:Arriaki Email:scary_intellectual@yahoo.com Page the Taela will be on:http://www.geocities.com/spacy_chick66416/tae2 Which Taela:F1 Taela Name:Zacheren Why do you want this taela? Cause I'm ADDICTED! Oh...well...I really want to expand the taela I care for in hopes of perhaps starting up a Calling once I get enough to do so...*sheepish grin* Comments: (not required, but nice) nothing else to say but howdy doo
Post by Lumi on Mar 2, 2005 22:37:30 GMT -5
Name: Luminaire Email: Shamoe@hotmail.com Page the Taela will be on: www.angelfire.com/me5/darkunicorns/Taela2.htmlWhich Taela: F2 Taela Name: Lasha Why do you want this taela? She caught my eye the most. I've always been very fond of mottled opal colorings on critters, plus her sleeping pose is so adorable! Comments: howdy doo these are So very pretty! ^.^
Post by Partner in Mischief on Mar 2, 2005 22:39:38 GMT -5
Okay, you can take the taela. Yay, you like them!
Post by Stormelle on Mar 2, 2005 22:43:01 GMT -5
Name: Stormelle Email: stormie_unisus@yahoo.com Page the Taela will be on: With the others at www.geocities.com/stormie_unisus/seacritters.htmlWhich Taela: M1 Taela Name: Blue Wind Why do you want this taela? Because I think that he's loverly! Comments: (not required, but nice) Thanks! I think that this is awsome!
Post by Nyx on Mar 3, 2005 0:05:25 GMT -5
darn missed out
Post by Partner in Mischief on Mar 3, 2005 0:26:41 GMT -5
No... you can still apply.
Post by Partner in Mischief on Mar 3, 2005 0:28:24 GMT -5
I'm sorry, Stormie. You need to read the rules. You can't apply anymore for this litter.
Post by Nyx on Mar 3, 2005 0:40:16 GMT -5
Name: Phoenyx Fyre Email: phoenyxfyre2002@yahoo.com Page the Taela will be on: www.angelfire.com/realm/phoenyxfyre/tel.htmlWhich Taela: M1 Please Taela Name: Col Why do you want this taela? He is so cute!!! Comments: (not required, but nice) Pretty please with sugar on top Howdy doo
Post by Stormie on Mar 3, 2005 1:23:09 GMT -5
Fine, I don't really care about it but I think it's awfuly rude of you to change the rules so suddenl! Just my oppinuion athought thanks anyway...
Post by Nyx on Mar 3, 2005 1:25:42 GMT -5
it looks like the rule was already there since everyone else did it
Post by Stormie on Mar 3, 2005 1:32:05 GMT -5
No, If a RULE is rule then it is there for ALL draws. That is my oppiuion however as Sea has her own I don't care. You enjoy him Phoenyx. I'm just stayting my oppuion that's all...*sigh* And please call me Stormelle. Storm ie is my pet name. Only people who have ganded my trust and are my friends can call me by it. I'm not saying your not my friend beacuse that you are. I'm saying that you have no completly gained my trust yet.....*sigh* Never mind, me and my big mouth are at it again. I'm sorry.. *poof*
Post by Partner in Mischief on Mar 3, 2005 11:03:47 GMT -5
I'm sorry, but I had every right to do so. I just wanted to make sure people read the rules again.
Post by Lumi on Mar 3, 2005 11:26:23 GMT -5
*patpats Stormie and Sea* Stormie you have a right to your opinion however Sea has a right to run her adoption as she sees fit. And I know that you know that.
Post by Stormie on Mar 3, 2005 14:53:14 GMT -5
Yes Sea I know but once I read something it's stuck in my head. I know you have every right to. and as Lumi said I was just stating my oppinuion. It's all good Sea I'm fine..mostly just mad at myself....