Post by Dawby on Feb 23, 2006 22:01:59 GMT -5
Right, I understood that. I was just wondering when contests would be organized and how winners would be determined, etc. I guess I wanted the details already, lol.
Post by limabean on Feb 24, 2006 6:29:03 GMT -5
Oh. Ok, now I got ya. You can challenge anytime you want. Well, only two fighters at a time right? (Well except for the tornement at the end of the year if I make it that far...) So to be fair, I was thinking of flipping a coin. Like the challenger would be heads and the challenged would be tails. You'd have to fill out a form with:
Your Name: BR's name: Br's levels/ age: The other owners name: The name of their BR: Their levels:
Well, since you have to challenge thouse of your own age the levels matter, except for the tournoment. Um... (gosh, I'm spacing out...can't remember what I was going to put....) You would obviously have to get the other owners permission first. And you can challenge between your own, but that's kind of pointless isn't it? Well, I hope I've said everything. If you have any Ideas, let me know please. I'm always looking for suggestions.
Post by limabean on Feb 24, 2006 17:47:03 GMT -5
Just so that you people (whereever you are) know, I'm going to be out of town pretty much all weekend, so I probably won't be on the computer mucho, ya know?
Post by Devin on Feb 25, 2006 17:22:48 GMT -5
oh...-pokes- I love them. ^^
Post by Lima off Lima On on Feb 25, 2006 19:17:45 GMT -5
I can draw you one when I get home. Right now my aunt is calling me for dinner, and I probably won't get another comp chance till monday. The librarian looks angry about my cell phone... I should go before she beats me...
Post by DSL Unlogged on Feb 26, 2006 3:14:37 GMT -5
What is your e-mail?
Post by limabean on Feb 27, 2006 6:47:36 GMT -5
modern_hawke@yahoo.com Ya.
Post by Lima on Lima off on Feb 27, 2006 20:09:06 GMT -5
Look! It's a horse-butt creature with jointed front legs like a robot! Inspired by weird releflections in the mirrors at school...
Post by butterfly on Feb 27, 2006 20:24:28 GMT -5
=o So weird!
Post by Lima off Lima on on Feb 27, 2006 20:27:30 GMT -5
Yeah. It's weird what mirriors streatching the reflection of your legs can make you think of.
Post by Sith Lord FP on Feb 27, 2006 22:37:04 GMT -5
oooooooo i love that crit XD
Post by Lima on Lima off on Feb 28, 2006 6:29:40 GMT -5
Thank you. I might consider doing something with it.
Post by LadyL on Feb 28, 2006 18:24:07 GMT -5
>>>You may get one if you like. Sure I would! If you have time, that is :0) I like the horsey crit as well, nice style.
Post by Lima off on Feb 28, 2006 18:55:05 GMT -5
Well, thank you! That's fine! Would you like a boy or a girl?
Post by Dawby on Feb 28, 2006 21:12:05 GMT -5
that cleared it up much more, thanks XD