Going back through my old posts, I found a lot of unfinished sevet stuffs. I'm going to post it here.
First are the unclaimed randoms, from the drawing a long time ago:
NOS: 262
Parents: Wild x Wild
NOS: 265
Parents: Wild x Wild
NOS: 266
Parents: Wild x Wild
NOS: 268
Parents: Wild x Wild
NOS: 269
Parents: Wild x Wild
NOS: 270
Parents: Wild x Wild
STORMIEThose are up for grabs. Now I have to find breedings, and customs I didn't finish because of the crap that kept piling up.
Autumn Leave x Estiban
Tera X Jake (http://www.angelfire.com/moon2/zelda324/Sevet.html)
Ivy Spring:
Glimmer and Glare (http://www.geocities.com/torturetomboy/sevet)
Lorel and Monique
Cel Theory:
www.sethwhite.org/images/airfields/first%20flight/snowblower.jpgZelda324: how about one being like dark with black and red colors
and the other being light, with like white and blues
Description: Inspiration:
www.dogs-central.com/dogs-puppies/siberian-husky-puppy/0763190675.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpgDescription: Inspiration:
pics.hoobly.com/full/5Z7A5SNF3M84IIZIS9.jpgDescription: Inspiration:
www.unicorn-dream.co.uk/graphics/gallery/pictures/Forest.jpg pearly white
Description: Inspiration:
www.equinealley.furtopia.org/pegasus.jpg Golden colored
Description: Sunset colors with bat like wings and a fluffy tail
Description: Inspiration:
www.laspilitas.com/butterflies/Butterflies_and_Moths/alfalfa/alfalfa_butterfly_on_lessingia.jpgDescription: Inspiration
i74.photobucket.com/albums/i276/photowebs/pictures/butterfly/transparent-butterfly1a.jpg with a horn
Description: Inspiration:
fohn.net/hummingbird-pictures/hummingbirds-large/2ruby-throated-hummingbird.jpgDescription: Inspiration:
i34.photobucket.com/albums/d128/PeachyPow/FresianRearing.jpgDescription: Inspiration:
images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://static.flickr.com/27/62037112_091890c1b6_m.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.flickr .com/photos/karenlynn/page2/&h=162&w=240&sz=30&hl=en&start=8&tbnid=S6BiVrhkJZi3CM:&tbnh=74&tbnw=110&prev=/images%3Fq%3DAr ora%2BBorealis%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DN
Description: Inspiration:
1. Breeding [NOS:237 (Male, C) x Wild]
2. Breeding [NOS: 128 (http://www.freewebs.com/devins-designs/pets/sevets.htm) x Wild]
3. Breeding [NOS: 48 (http://www.freewebs.com/devins-designs/pets/sevets.htm) x Wild]
4. Custom [Think horse. He's chesnut with a flaxen mane and tail, very short tail for a horse, four high white socks. Crooked white stripe down his face.]
5. Custom [Think Jason. You know who he is....I guess just try to get the feeling of Jason into a Sevet. 0.o]
6. Breeding [Wild x Wild]
7. Custom [Think...celtic magic...celtic knots....scotland...ireland...something Celtic.]
8. Custom [Something that reminds one of scales, like dragon scales, with the main color theme being green and yellow.]
9. Breeding [Wild x Wild]
10. Custom [Something ....happy.....in red and shades thereof.]
Majestin #97 X Butterfly Kisses #93
Purple Warrior #94 X Pink Sugar #17
High Flying Majesty #157 X Kimerial #98
Butterscotch #95 X Butterfly Princess #158
Aysaneva x Merlin (DSL's)
Majestin #97 x Wild
Today Dreaming #46 x Wild
Dragonfly Dance # 208 x Wild
Merlin #209 x Wild
Tried and True #159 x Wild
Daydreaming #160 x Wild
Rogue Fire #161 x Wild
Sweet Dreams #162 x Wild
And I have 7 left...so I'd prefer them to be all wild x wild breedings.
So now everyone knows how much I have to do, yes? Oi. Not to mention, I'll be putting up the ownerless sevvies soon.
Maybe I skip breeding for now?
And I'm going to be a junior.