Post by Stormelle on Apr 19, 2004 19:54:49 GMT -5
"You!" Stormelle sreked and started to attack the one that appered to be snekking about.
Post by Belladandy on Apr 19, 2004 20:44:13 GMT -5
"What is it do you want, gobliness." The dark elf asked not seeming to be egar to fight just yet not unless he had to. "To kill us! What else?" Leela spoke up. The elf shot her a glance and the dragcorna humbly remained qiet.
Post by Stormelle on Apr 20, 2004 19:02:56 GMT -5
The goblin shot a look in their direcktion and sreaked in delight. And then ran off grabbing her comayoun. When they reached the captin the told him that they had seen the dragacorn best.
Post by Belladandy on Apr 20, 2004 19:42:13 GMT -5
Menwhile at Daswulf's base camp.
"Are they gone?" The dragcorna peaked from behind the dark elf's cape. ~~~~~~~~~~
Three large pits were being dug for three wyrm eggs. Acording to Cassha one must plant the eggs to make the wyrms hatch.
Daswulf slept peacfuly on his tent. It was a long night of interuptions and now was a good time for him to do some catnapping. On his desk blueprints lay about some strange sort of gun-like disign of large wepon.
Another blueprint lay on the table one for Daswulf's new lucerious fortress (including a health spa and mudbaths).
Post by Stormelle on Apr 20, 2004 21:45:43 GMT -5
The gobliness aprocexed his tent.
Post by Belladandy on Apr 20, 2004 22:51:34 GMT -5
One of the hobogoblins aproched the gobliness. "I'll go and tell him your here.." He siad softly.
Going up to his master the minion tapped Daswulf on the shoulder. "Ahh...nana few more minets..." Daswulf muttered. "I donna want to go to school..." hewoke up instantly seeing the hobogob. "Wha! What is it!" He demaneded.
"Two gobiness' to see you, your exellentcy!" Groveld the hobogob. "Oh very well let them aproch."
Post by Stormelle on Apr 21, 2004 13:55:30 GMT -5
The gobliness enerted and told him of their siting of the Dragcorn.
Post by Belladandy on Apr 21, 2004 18:15:39 GMT -5
Laughing hysterically Daswulf cried! "Fine crack and dandy! Send in my best goblin warriors!" He rushed over to a pile of books and scrolls. "Oh were is it?" He said searching through the books.
Evil Doers for Dummies...no...Warlocks are from Mars Witches are from Venous...Black magic made easy...no not there...wait!
“Ahhhaa! Here it is!” The Lord cried holding a small scroll. Simple spells made elegant by Marth’gra Slewlart.
Post by Stormelle on Apr 21, 2004 20:45:21 GMT -5
The two gobliness bowed and left.
Post by Belladandy on Apr 21, 2004 21:30:27 GMT -5
And in came Geular the Slayer along with a few other warriors. Deular snuk into the tent behind the others wanting to be apart of the group. Narf his compaion was listening in on the other side of Daswulf's tent.
Post by Stormelle on Apr 22, 2004 20:33:12 GMT -5
the two gobliness's smiled and then ran off to tell their REAL Master.
Post by Belladandy on Apr 22, 2004 21:48:52 GMT -5
Turning to the warriors Lord Daswulf said. "The dragcorna beast has been spotted by my spies now it is up to you to capture this creature. Now I do not want this creature killed or seriously harmed."
A murmer of portest came from some of the goblins.
"Qeit your winning! I want him to live long enough for qeastioning and then..." He paused. "Then I'll see about adding a brand new trophy to my collection."
This got the goblins happy.
"Professer Lucaus had concured up a spell to help caputre the beast."
The skinny goblin muttered before getting up to speak. "Loca not Locaus..."
"I have studied this book of spells." He said holding up Simple spells made elegant book. "And I have found a rather good spell that will imobleise the creature. Now the words to the spell are: Evef ryoung." Say this in frount of the beast with your thought all focused on the beast and bingo!"
Post by Stormelle on Apr 23, 2004 16:05:13 GMT -5
Stormelle grew unesey as some thing was up the gobliness's slive.
Post by Belladandy on Apr 23, 2004 22:23:48 GMT -5
"Yes for now." Answered the elf.
"Ahh good!" The dragcorna came out from hidding only to get a friem tug from the dark elf. "Where do you think you are going? You got some questions to answer."
Post by Stormelle on Apr 24, 2004 6:59:08 GMT -5
Stormelle gave him a look and then toke Teko and Ramsey to speak with them in privet.