No Time
Mar 13, 2006 9:23:25 GMT -5
Post by sera on Mar 13, 2006 9:23:25 GMT -5
i actually don't have time for anything right now, preparing for finals and all, but i've been wanting to do artwork desperately. . . . so! i'm taking suggestions. be it a persona, a naa, a gryvern, something random, done in coloured pencil, computer, etc. just give me something to work with. i'm not going to promise to do everyone's or even more than one, since it'll be up to my creativity (( and time )) to tell me wot i can do.
name: email: description: (( pls include everything needful here. . . species, gender, desc, etc. ))
No Time
Mar 13, 2006 13:42:53 GMT -5
Post by Dawby on Mar 13, 2006 13:42:53 GMT -5
name: Dawby! email: dawbia@verizon.net description: *franticling* naa! naa! we love naas! if we can't have them, then we'll baa! ...*blinkblink* umm... right. well, i'll never pass up a chance to maybe get a naa. like one that's all brown and gold and red and surprised that he suddenly exists and gets to go home with someone as fabulous as myself!
No Time
Mar 13, 2006 14:50:36 GMT -5
Post by ~Kryos~ on Mar 13, 2006 14:50:36 GMT -5
name: Kryos email: mists_of_the_metaphysical@yahoo.ca description: I’m not sure of all the crits that you do…as a result, I hope that it’s okay that I’m a bit vague…something female, with a silver body, swirled with light lavender and a hint of violet. Hair that is light icy-blue at the roots, graduating to a deep Indigo at the tips. Wings, if at all possible.
No Time
Mar 13, 2006 15:08:25 GMT -5
Post by DSLDevin on Mar 13, 2006 15:08:25 GMT -5
name: DSL-Devin email: devins.designs@gmail.com description: Weellll....you said it could be a persona so....a cheetah. Normal cheetah colors with cream colored paws and underbelly and muzzle, dark tear-lines, and blue eyes. ^^
No Time
Mar 13, 2006 20:28:17 GMT -5
Post by sera on Mar 13, 2006 20:28:17 GMT -5
DSL, do you mean anthro cheetah or cat cheetah?
hehe thanks, guys. . . . and we'll see wot happens in the next week or so. . . . lollol
No Time
Mar 14, 2006 14:03:00 GMT -5
Post by Sith Lord FP on Mar 14, 2006 14:03:00 GMT -5
name: Arielle email: flyingpantherarielle@gmail.com description: Gryvern, Male, Dark Dark Dark Red with bright red almost glowing (don't have to glow) markings along his body that look like a skeleton, and black fire (eaither as a mutation or a marking will suffice) rising up from his front paws. In the middle of his forhead is a marking that looks like a skull, human or Gryvern you decide. He has long long white, to light light red(not pink) hair that Reaches down to the ground like a curtain. Maybe have him running? I was thinking of the one horseman of the appocolyphse that symbolizes war. Anyway yeah...very detailed...so very sorry for that >.>;
No Time
Mar 15, 2006 10:08:46 GMT -5
Post by tigeressrikku on Mar 15, 2006 10:08:46 GMT -5
name: Tigs email: exotic_vanilla_kisses@hotmail.com description: Gryvern- based off of Final Fantasy's Shiva (Clip from the game itself: www.geocities.com/amethyst_pagan/shiva.jpg ) (Fanart: picata.net/ff/shiva.jpg ), because someday when you're offering customs or something like that, I WILL continue to make an army of FF Aeons and GFs mwahahaaha! I'm in love with FF, could ya tell? ^_^
No Time
Mar 15, 2006 17:36:04 GMT -5
Post by Nyx on Mar 15, 2006 17:36:04 GMT -5
name: Nyx email: phoenyxfyre2002@yahoo.com description: NAAAAAAAA I miss Naa. . .and I need to RP mine more. . .something black with red markings. . .nor normal markings, but ones that look like dripping blood. All gothic and sexy like!
Orchard Dragon
Posts: 102
No Time
Mar 15, 2006 19:56:39 GMT -5
Post by seren on Mar 15, 2006 19:56:39 GMT -5
name: seren email: jmacnutt at gmail.com description: here's for a something random/persona if you're interested - snowy owl female, gold eyes, dark beak/talons (though they've feathered legs and feet), more barring rather than spotting on the underside of her wings, like a great-horned or barred owl would have. I have tons of references.