Post by GenGen the Loved on Feb 13, 2005 9:40:58 GMT -5
Okay, so this thing between me and Sera happened because when Trebias left, he told her to eat regularly and be asleep by 2200, which is commonly known to you and I as 10pm.
; She's been far from going to sleep at 10pm lately, so I decided that since I got up early, it had to be late there, so I was going to hound her.
ivc ha mele on: Seeerrraaaa
Seraaches: mewish ^^
ivc ha mele on: Have you been to sleep yet?
ivc ha mele on: XD
ivc ha mele on: It's 8am here, it has to be late there.
Seraaches: lollol stinkit.. no
Seraaches: it's.. . 2300
Seraaches: ^^
ivc ha mele on: I demand you shoo then.
Seraaches: ^^; i'm RPing. . .
Seraaches: lol
ivc ha mele on: That's no excuse. xD
Seraaches: gads, i was desperate enough to get on gaia! oO;
Seraaches: yesh it is
Seraaches: . . . hehe
Seraaches: *debates getting ice cream*
ivc ha mele on: No it isn't, don't argue with me.
Seraaches: LOL
Seraaches: *chews lip*
Seraaches: i'm not sleepy
Seraaches: at all
Seraaches: oO;
ivc ha mele on: I slept almost all day yesterday.
Seraaches: as in
ivc ha mele on: And woke up at 9.
Seraaches: i thought it was like 7
Seraaches: oO wow
ivc ha mele on: I was up until 3am.
Seraaches: yay for sleeping!!!
Seraaches: oO;
Seraaches: not so yay for 3am
ivc ha mele on: I thought I wasn't tired.
ivc ha mele on: Then I hit the pillow.
ivc ha mele on: And passed right out.
Seraaches: hehe
Seraaches: and i haven't taken my shower. . . *chews lip*
ivc ha mele on: So? Take one when you wake up, or go take a quick one now and then go sleep.
Seraaches: . . .
Seraaches: *points at gaia*
Seraaches: ^^;
ivc ha mele on: Gaia sucks.
ivc ha mele on: They don't need you.
ivc ha mele on: It's a petty addiction.
Seraaches: i don't care so much about gaia
ivc ha mele on: You don't need it, either.
Seraaches: i'm RPing on gaia
Seraaches: *likes RPing*
ivc ha mele on: Sad.
ivc ha mele on: There are better places to RP.
Seraaches: oh, hey, do you still have all your naa?
Seraaches: j/w
ivc ha mele on: Pssh. No.
Seraaches: yesh, there are plenty of better places to RP
Seraaches: but!
Seraaches: no one was on to RP there
ivc ha mele on: I wondered briefly if they were still mine since they weren't on a page.
Seraaches: there are ppl awake on gaia to RP
Seraaches: lollol
ivc ha mele on: Because they're losers without lives, Sera. ;-)
Seraaches: well i likes you enough to cut you big breaks.
Seraaches: shh
Seraaches: ^^; don't tell
Seraaches: LOLLOL
Seraaches: so'm i! ^^;
ivc ha mele on: No.
Seraaches: hehe
ivc ha mele on: You live in Japan.
ivc ha mele on: XD
Seraaches: HEHE
ivc ha mele on: That instantly gives you a life.
Seraaches: we went on a walk today!
ivc ha mele on: Whether you want it or not.
Seraaches: that's my version of having a life
Seraaches: ;.;
ivc ha mele on: LOL
ivc ha mele on: You're still arguing with me about going to sleep.
Seraaches: lol
Seraaches: yesh
ivc ha mele on: Why are you still arguing?
Seraaches: delaying tactics
ivc ha mele on: I'll tell Trebias on you
Seraaches: b/c i'm rping!
Seraaches: with xöl!
Seraaches: in HUMANOID form
Seraaches: oO
Seraaches: *hides*
Seraaches: ^^;
ivc ha mele on: I'll find someone who knows his e-mail address.
Seraaches: wait! you're distracting me!
ivc ha mele on: And tell on you.
Seraaches: HEHE
Seraaches: lol
ivc ha mele on: I'll get you in trouble.
Seraaches: gads, that'd be so funny
ivc ha mele on: ...Why are you still here?!
ivc ha mele on: *Harasses*
Seraaches: be/c!!!
Seraaches: i have a question!!!
Seraaches: about. . . the naa
Seraaches: yes, that's it
Seraaches: >>;
ivc ha mele on: That's like a kid having an excuse of wanting a glass of water.
Seraaches: it is
ivc ha mele on: You can ask me tomorrow.
Seraaches: no, it's a valid question!
Seraaches: . . .
Seraaches: i won't remember tomorrow
Seraaches: ^^;
ivc ha mele on:
ivc ha mele on: Then ask quickly.
Seraaches: gads, it took me 2 weeks just to remember it today!
Seraaches: kk!
Seraaches: . . .
Seraaches: >>;
ivc ha mele on:
Seraaches: just a sec!
Seraaches: it'll come back!
Seraaches: . . . they usually come back
Seraaches: . . . . *Chews lip*
ivc ha mele on: Sera, go to bed.
ivc ha mele on: XD
Seraaches: lol nono!!
Seraaches: okay
Seraaches: it's about naa
Seraaches: and.. .
Seraaches: the unpaged ones
Seraaches: do you still want them or some of them or. . .
Seraaches: i'm (( supposedly. . ^^; )) getting all my records together to do the next foal swap
ivc ha mele on: I would kick you if you gave them to someone else.
Seraaches: and there are a lot of pretties that are yours
ivc ha mele on: Just because I could.
Seraaches: that i want to be in the foal swap
Seraaches: lol
ivc ha mele on: Even though they're not on a page.
ivc ha mele on: And I'm neglecting them.
ivc ha mele on: I would kick you.
ivc ha mele on: Because some of them I sort of paid for-- remember that lovely donation I made to your ring fund?
ivc ha mele on: And all of the ones I scanned?
ivc ha mele on: SERA.
ivc ha mele on: GO TO BED.
ivc ha mele on: I'll remember this enough to talk to you about it tomorrow.
Seraaches: lollol
Seraaches: but . . .
Seraaches: RP!!!
ivc ha mele on: No.
ivc ha mele on: It'll be there tomorrow.
ivc ha mele on: Remember, they're idiots without lives.
Seraaches: . . . . . wot if it's not?
Seraaches: this is gaia
ivc ha mele on: EXACTLY MY POINT.
Seraaches: threads are known to disappear w/o woarning
Seraaches: at least
ivc ha mele on: It's GAIA.
Seraaches: i think they do
Seraaches: . . . oO;
ivc ha mele on: People are always THERE.
Seraaches: and the rp is kindof relying on me right now. . . ^^;
ivc ha mele on: No it's not.
ivc ha mele on: You're fooling yourself.
Seraaches: Xöl's right smack dab in the middle of the action
ivc ha mele on: So?
Seraaches: but it's /Xöl/
Seraaches: he's pretty
ivc ha mele on: *Doesn't care.*
Seraaches: ;.;
Seraaches: i did a vday picture!
ivc ha mele on: *Stern look*
ivc ha mele on: SERA.
Seraaches: <<; sorry
Seraaches: LOL
Seraaches: SNOT! THE DOG!
ivc ha mele on: -_-;
ivc ha mele on: Teh dog?
Seraaches: ^^; i left her outside
ivc ha mele on: Okay, go get her and then GO TO BED.
ivc ha mele on: >\
Seraaches: . . . . . *snugs*
Seraaches: . . . .*Tries hiding beneath the green chair with laptop*
ivc ha mele on: There'll be no kissing up.
Seraaches: lol kissing up?
ivc ha mele on: The snugging.
ivc ha mele on: There'll be none of that.
Seraaches: snot. . . .
Seraaches: ^^
ivc ha mele on: You need to go to bed.
Seraaches: but i'm thoroughly distracted right now
ivc ha mele on: I caught you almost on time this time.
Seraaches: ^^
ivc ha mele on: ;o;
Seraaches: ?? nani?
ivc ha mele on: Sera, I'll be a sad muffin.
ivc ha mele on: A very sad muffin.
Seraaches: oO;
Seraaches: blast
Seraaches: that's an evil card to play. . .
ivc ha mele on: *Pouty*
ivc ha mele on: I got on and was like, "PRIDE! I can hound Sera to go to bed!"
ivc ha mele on: And you're being a mean delay fish.
ivc ha mele on: Jesus never made an excuse not to go to bed.
ivc ha mele on: He liked sleeping.
ivc ha mele on: *Wisdom*
Seraaches: LOLLOL
ivc ha mele on: XD;;
Seraaches: someone once told me i could sleep when i was dead
ivc ha mele on: Someone was stupid.
ivc ha mele on: Because if you don't sleep, you will be dead.
Seraaches: . .. actually, i agree with you. . . ^^;
Seraaches: i thought it was very bad advice
ivc ha mele on: LOL.
Seraaches: ^^
ivc ha mele on: Sera, we've been poking each other for 15 minutes.
ivc ha mele on: Go to bed.
ivc ha mele on: o.o
Seraaches: w00t!! 15 minutes!!!
Seraaches: i mean. . oO;
ivc ha mele on: -_-
Seraaches: uhhhhmm. .. .
Seraaches: ^^;
ivc ha mele on: I'll deny ever knowing you.
Seraaches: oO;
Seraaches: *lower lip quiver*
ivc ha mele on: I'll leave my Naa to be abandoned, and leave a note at the Orchard that you're an evil muffin, and I don't like you anymore.
Seraaches: *puppy dog eyes*
ivc ha mele on: Which was why I gave up my stinky Naa.
Seraaches: ;.;!!!!!!!!!!!
Seraaches: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;.;;.;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ivc ha mele on: Don't think I won't.
ivc ha mele on: I've gone almost what, two years? Without talking to you.
ivc ha mele on: And I only missed you a few times.
ivc ha mele on:
Seraaches: oO; there's no way it was two years!
ivc ha mele on: It must have been.
Seraaches: how?
ivc ha mele on: Don't question.
ivc ha mele on: You didn't know about my Freshman year.
ivc ha mele on: Or at least, half of it.
Seraaches: wow. . ..
ivc ha mele on: And it was halfway through my Junior year before I talked to you again.
Seraaches: *feels like a really bad friend*
ivc ha mele on: And that leaves an entire YEAR between the two halves.
Seraaches: oO
Seraaches: wow
ivc ha mele on: Yep.
ivc ha mele on: So go to bed.
ivc ha mele on: I'm supreme order in this case.
Seraaches: *sadness* okay. . . .
Seraaches: *snugs* ^^ have a great. . .*tries to place time zones again* day. ..
ivc ha mele on: Yes.
ivc ha mele on: Now go to sleep.
Seraaches: kk *meekness*
Seraaches: g'night
ivc ha mele on: Nightnight.
So if I really hurt her feelings, I'm sorry. But she was arguing, and the 2-years-not-missed thing was kindof true. >_>;
I mean, let me put it this way... If your life was so dern hectic that you didn't even really have time for the people you still considered friends, you wouldn't miss the ones who weren't either.
And Sera and I had this big blowup a long time ago about her being too optimistic and shoving her Christianity on me all the time. I didn't like it at all, so I gave her a big heave-ho.
She's still too optimistic, but I guess it's in a different way now so that it's not evil and annoying, like it was before.
But I love her anyway, because she's Sera, the great Naa Goddess. O.o;
...And because I have the power to make her go to bed!
...But mostly I love her anyway. Because she loves me too, even though I'm an evil sadist named GenGen.
...That is all. >_>;
; She's been far from going to sleep at 10pm lately, so I decided that since I got up early, it had to be late there, so I was going to hound her.
ivc ha mele on: Seeerrraaaa
Seraaches: mewish ^^
ivc ha mele on: Have you been to sleep yet?
ivc ha mele on: XD
ivc ha mele on: It's 8am here, it has to be late there.
Seraaches: lollol stinkit.. no
Seraaches: it's.. . 2300
Seraaches: ^^
ivc ha mele on: I demand you shoo then.
Seraaches: ^^; i'm RPing. . .
Seraaches: lol
ivc ha mele on: That's no excuse. xD
Seraaches: gads, i was desperate enough to get on gaia! oO;
Seraaches: yesh it is
Seraaches: . . . hehe
Seraaches: *debates getting ice cream*
ivc ha mele on: No it isn't, don't argue with me.
Seraaches: LOL
Seraaches: *chews lip*
Seraaches: i'm not sleepy
Seraaches: at all
Seraaches: oO;
ivc ha mele on: I slept almost all day yesterday.
Seraaches: as in
ivc ha mele on: And woke up at 9.
Seraaches: i thought it was like 7
Seraaches: oO wow
ivc ha mele on: I was up until 3am.
Seraaches: yay for sleeping!!!
Seraaches: oO;
Seraaches: not so yay for 3am
ivc ha mele on: I thought I wasn't tired.
ivc ha mele on: Then I hit the pillow.
ivc ha mele on: And passed right out.
Seraaches: hehe
Seraaches: and i haven't taken my shower. . . *chews lip*
ivc ha mele on: So? Take one when you wake up, or go take a quick one now and then go sleep.
Seraaches: . . .
Seraaches: *points at gaia*
Seraaches: ^^;
ivc ha mele on: Gaia sucks.
ivc ha mele on: They don't need you.
ivc ha mele on: It's a petty addiction.
Seraaches: i don't care so much about gaia
ivc ha mele on: You don't need it, either.
Seraaches: i'm RPing on gaia
Seraaches: *likes RPing*
ivc ha mele on: Sad.
ivc ha mele on: There are better places to RP.
Seraaches: oh, hey, do you still have all your naa?
Seraaches: j/w
ivc ha mele on: Pssh. No.
Seraaches: yesh, there are plenty of better places to RP
Seraaches: but!
Seraaches: no one was on to RP there
ivc ha mele on: I wondered briefly if they were still mine since they weren't on a page.
Seraaches: there are ppl awake on gaia to RP
Seraaches: lollol
ivc ha mele on: Because they're losers without lives, Sera. ;-)
Seraaches: well i likes you enough to cut you big breaks.
Seraaches: shh
Seraaches: ^^; don't tell
Seraaches: LOLLOL
Seraaches: so'm i! ^^;
ivc ha mele on: No.
Seraaches: hehe
ivc ha mele on: You live in Japan.
ivc ha mele on: XD
Seraaches: HEHE
ivc ha mele on: That instantly gives you a life.
Seraaches: we went on a walk today!
ivc ha mele on: Whether you want it or not.
Seraaches: that's my version of having a life
Seraaches: ;.;
ivc ha mele on: LOL
ivc ha mele on: You're still arguing with me about going to sleep.
Seraaches: lol
Seraaches: yesh
ivc ha mele on: Why are you still arguing?
Seraaches: delaying tactics
ivc ha mele on: I'll tell Trebias on you
Seraaches: b/c i'm rping!
Seraaches: with xöl!
Seraaches: in HUMANOID form
Seraaches: oO
Seraaches: *hides*
Seraaches: ^^;
ivc ha mele on: I'll find someone who knows his e-mail address.
Seraaches: wait! you're distracting me!
ivc ha mele on: And tell on you.
Seraaches: HEHE
Seraaches: lol
ivc ha mele on: I'll get you in trouble.
Seraaches: gads, that'd be so funny
ivc ha mele on: ...Why are you still here?!
ivc ha mele on: *Harasses*
Seraaches: be/c!!!
Seraaches: i have a question!!!
Seraaches: about. . . the naa
Seraaches: yes, that's it
Seraaches: >>;
ivc ha mele on: That's like a kid having an excuse of wanting a glass of water.
Seraaches: it is
ivc ha mele on: You can ask me tomorrow.
Seraaches: no, it's a valid question!
Seraaches: . . .
Seraaches: i won't remember tomorrow
Seraaches: ^^;
ivc ha mele on:
ivc ha mele on: Then ask quickly.
Seraaches: gads, it took me 2 weeks just to remember it today!
Seraaches: kk!
Seraaches: . . .
Seraaches: >>;
ivc ha mele on:
Seraaches: just a sec!
Seraaches: it'll come back!
Seraaches: . . . they usually come back
Seraaches: . . . . *Chews lip*
ivc ha mele on: Sera, go to bed.
ivc ha mele on: XD
Seraaches: lol nono!!
Seraaches: okay
Seraaches: it's about naa
Seraaches: and.. .
Seraaches: the unpaged ones
Seraaches: do you still want them or some of them or. . .
Seraaches: i'm (( supposedly. . ^^; )) getting all my records together to do the next foal swap
ivc ha mele on: I would kick you if you gave them to someone else.
Seraaches: and there are a lot of pretties that are yours
ivc ha mele on: Just because I could.
Seraaches: that i want to be in the foal swap
Seraaches: lol
ivc ha mele on: Even though they're not on a page.
ivc ha mele on: And I'm neglecting them.
ivc ha mele on: I would kick you.
ivc ha mele on: Because some of them I sort of paid for-- remember that lovely donation I made to your ring fund?
ivc ha mele on: And all of the ones I scanned?
ivc ha mele on: SERA.
ivc ha mele on: GO TO BED.
ivc ha mele on: I'll remember this enough to talk to you about it tomorrow.
Seraaches: lollol
Seraaches: but . . .
Seraaches: RP!!!
ivc ha mele on: No.
ivc ha mele on: It'll be there tomorrow.
ivc ha mele on: Remember, they're idiots without lives.
Seraaches: . . . . . wot if it's not?
Seraaches: this is gaia
ivc ha mele on: EXACTLY MY POINT.
Seraaches: threads are known to disappear w/o woarning
Seraaches: at least
ivc ha mele on: It's GAIA.
Seraaches: i think they do
Seraaches: . . . oO;
ivc ha mele on: People are always THERE.
Seraaches: and the rp is kindof relying on me right now. . . ^^;
ivc ha mele on: No it's not.
ivc ha mele on: You're fooling yourself.
Seraaches: Xöl's right smack dab in the middle of the action
ivc ha mele on: So?
Seraaches: but it's /Xöl/
Seraaches: he's pretty
ivc ha mele on: *Doesn't care.*
Seraaches: ;.;
Seraaches: i did a vday picture!
ivc ha mele on: *Stern look*
ivc ha mele on: SERA.
Seraaches: <<; sorry
Seraaches: LOL
Seraaches: SNOT! THE DOG!
ivc ha mele on: -_-;
ivc ha mele on: Teh dog?
Seraaches: ^^; i left her outside
ivc ha mele on: Okay, go get her and then GO TO BED.
ivc ha mele on: >\
Seraaches: . . . . . *snugs*
Seraaches: . . . .*Tries hiding beneath the green chair with laptop*
ivc ha mele on: There'll be no kissing up.
Seraaches: lol kissing up?
ivc ha mele on: The snugging.
ivc ha mele on: There'll be none of that.
Seraaches: snot. . . .
Seraaches: ^^
ivc ha mele on: You need to go to bed.
Seraaches: but i'm thoroughly distracted right now
ivc ha mele on: I caught you almost on time this time.
Seraaches: ^^
ivc ha mele on: ;o;
Seraaches: ?? nani?
ivc ha mele on: Sera, I'll be a sad muffin.
ivc ha mele on: A very sad muffin.
Seraaches: oO;
Seraaches: blast
Seraaches: that's an evil card to play. . .
ivc ha mele on: *Pouty*
ivc ha mele on: I got on and was like, "PRIDE! I can hound Sera to go to bed!"
ivc ha mele on: And you're being a mean delay fish.
ivc ha mele on: Jesus never made an excuse not to go to bed.
ivc ha mele on: He liked sleeping.
ivc ha mele on: *Wisdom*
Seraaches: LOLLOL
ivc ha mele on: XD;;
Seraaches: someone once told me i could sleep when i was dead
ivc ha mele on: Someone was stupid.
ivc ha mele on: Because if you don't sleep, you will be dead.
Seraaches: . .. actually, i agree with you. . . ^^;
Seraaches: i thought it was very bad advice
ivc ha mele on: LOL.
Seraaches: ^^
ivc ha mele on: Sera, we've been poking each other for 15 minutes.
ivc ha mele on: Go to bed.
ivc ha mele on: o.o
Seraaches: w00t!! 15 minutes!!!
Seraaches: i mean. . oO;
ivc ha mele on: -_-
Seraaches: uhhhhmm. .. .
Seraaches: ^^;
ivc ha mele on: I'll deny ever knowing you.
Seraaches: oO;
Seraaches: *lower lip quiver*
ivc ha mele on: I'll leave my Naa to be abandoned, and leave a note at the Orchard that you're an evil muffin, and I don't like you anymore.
Seraaches: *puppy dog eyes*
ivc ha mele on: Which was why I gave up my stinky Naa.
Seraaches: ;.;!!!!!!!!!!!
Seraaches: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;.;;.;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ivc ha mele on: Don't think I won't.
ivc ha mele on: I've gone almost what, two years? Without talking to you.
ivc ha mele on: And I only missed you a few times.
ivc ha mele on:
Seraaches: oO; there's no way it was two years!
ivc ha mele on: It must have been.
Seraaches: how?
ivc ha mele on: Don't question.
ivc ha mele on: You didn't know about my Freshman year.
ivc ha mele on: Or at least, half of it.
Seraaches: wow. . ..
ivc ha mele on: And it was halfway through my Junior year before I talked to you again.
Seraaches: *feels like a really bad friend*
ivc ha mele on: And that leaves an entire YEAR between the two halves.
Seraaches: oO
Seraaches: wow
ivc ha mele on: Yep.
ivc ha mele on: So go to bed.
ivc ha mele on: I'm supreme order in this case.
Seraaches: *sadness* okay. . . .
Seraaches: *snugs* ^^ have a great. . .*tries to place time zones again* day. ..
ivc ha mele on: Yes.
ivc ha mele on: Now go to sleep.
Seraaches: kk *meekness*
Seraaches: g'night
ivc ha mele on: Nightnight.
So if I really hurt her feelings, I'm sorry. But she was arguing, and the 2-years-not-missed thing was kindof true. >_>;
I mean, let me put it this way... If your life was so dern hectic that you didn't even really have time for the people you still considered friends, you wouldn't miss the ones who weren't either.
And Sera and I had this big blowup a long time ago about her being too optimistic and shoving her Christianity on me all the time. I didn't like it at all, so I gave her a big heave-ho.
She's still too optimistic, but I guess it's in a different way now so that it's not evil and annoying, like it was before.
But I love her anyway, because she's Sera, the great Naa Goddess. O.o;
...And because I have the power to make her go to bed!
...But mostly I love her anyway. Because she loves me too, even though I'm an evil sadist named GenGen.
...That is all. >_>;